Quick blog update: Yesterday was our first day of work in Oloika. We cemented the outside of the dining hall (mixing cement by hand) and sawed wood for the tables and benches inside the dining hall. It wasn’t too hot outsid, but we were all exhausted by the end of the day. We got to take a break in the middle of our work day to eat lunch and water-up in the afternoon. After 4.30, we finished work and got to spend some time with the kids in the school. They taught us a game, some Maa, and even sang “Waka Waka” by Shakira for us. All the kids at the school are really cute and speak really good English and they have offered to help us write down some Maa in our notebooks today. Tonight is the first night of homestays, so we’re getting excited. The view from our camp is incredible. We are having a great time in Kenya. We are learning a lot and we are excited to see what the rest of the trip brings.
LOVE Alia and SamBam